Author Topic: Vic Gusty Wind Change and Storms: 11 Jan 2008  (Read 13000 times)

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Re: Vic Gusty Wind Change and Storms: 11 Jan 2008
« Reply #15 on: 14 January 2008, 07:50:40 AM »
My bet is strong microburst , the 9 footage shows trees down but dotted amongst others still upright , also they described a sudden increase in the strength of the wind as apposed to a tornado structure  , also the trees all seemed to be pointing generally one way , the car was probably next to a tree and the root system has lifted it up as that tree fell. the radar loop does show a strong cell in the squall line over the town
Nick Moir
The Sydney Morning Herald

Offline Brad Hannon

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Re: Vic Gusty Wind Change and Storms: 11 Jan 2008
« Reply #16 on: 15 January 2008, 06:35:53 AM »
Hi Nick, I also considered the root system may have lifted the car up and forward too and still think this is possible. However, I thought the car appeared to have damage which would have required more force than just being raised and pulled forward into the tree by the root system as the tree fell. Perhaps other debris hit the car to cause the damage but without better vision or pics of the car its hard to tell (plus my work has blocked the video link, grrrrrrrrr)

hmmm June 2nd......