Author Topic: NSW, QLD, WA Thunderstorm and Severe Weather potential: Feb 28 - March 4 2009  (Read 23560 times)

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Offline Jimmy Deguara

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That is definitely rotation and rather similar to the rotation base I posted from about a week ago. Can you suggest the time and location where it occurred and whether there was a storm around - generally some more information. Nice catch - goes to show you don't always need to travel long distances to get something significant.


Jimmy Deguara
Australian Severe Weather

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Offline Antonio (stormboy)

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Jimmy to be precise it was about 5:57pm in Ballina northern rivers nsw in my front yard above house thunder present under a huge developing cumulonimbus very windy until passed over. Hope this helps oh and the date was 2/3/09


Offline Chris.

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Location; Warwick SE Qld.

Hi Everyone,

Great video Stormboy, I keep watching it over and over. Very hard to get a look at conditions here in Warwick today, mainly overcast from around lunchtime today. The morning was hot and humid and convection towers were forming to the North and West that I could see and a cool change came through with light rain around 2pm. I was lucky to get a break in the sky at 4.30pm and got this mammatus cloud and the base of one tower.

There is also about 1000 cockies in the trees in this photo.


Need to check my camera, photoshop has the correct time picture taken but not correct in the exif upoaded with the image, it says taken at 6.23.

« Last Edit: 03 March 2009, 03:10:41 PM by Chris. »

Offline Antonio (stormboy)

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Nice photo Chris. I was surprised to see this rotation myself as there was only light thunder and gusty winds coming from the cumulonimbus when it reached anvil stage it simply stopped and faded away. There were some nice cells in south east QLD this arvo and warnings but now cancelled. The severe weather warning tomorrow sounds bad for VIC; south NSW could be gusts up to 110kmph


Offline Michael Bath

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Stormboy - have a look at this thread on Understanding Aerological Diagrams / Soundings .   I've attached the Brisbane sounding from Sunday night. The airmass above the lowest couple of hundred metres is very dry.

GFS is the Global Forecasting System - a US weather model that you can access on various sites including Weatherzone.

Some thunderstorm cells developed mid evening though had hardly any lightning. Some heavy falls occurred between here and Ballina with 51mm at Tuckombil near Alstonville.

« Last Edit: 04 March 2009, 02:26:37 AM by Michael Bath »
Location: Mcleans Ridges, NSW Northern Rivers
Australian Severe Weather:
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Offline Kristy Norman

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The sky is dark here and we have just had a light shower. They are still forecasting disturbing conditions for this afternoon with the cold front coming. Hopefully the shower has settled the paddocks a little so the dust won't be too bad later. The wind is just starting to pick up. Most people around here are worried about the lightning starting fires. There were over thirty reported fires in the district with the storms that came through a month ago.

Offline Antonio (stormboy)

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I had a look at the diagram but I’m in confusion state I guess I have to learn more.

Thank you MB stormboy.

Offline Richary

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Bit surprised looking at the current Brisbane radar there isn't a severe storm warning out for SE Qld. A nice line of bright red storms moving from the west to south of Brisbane. Looks like I missed an earlier one for NSW (probably for the mid north coast).

Interesting on the Grafton radar as well at the moment, the main storm has moved off the coast near Nambucca Heads but a line is reforming behind it with a very east-west alignment currently about 80km long. Formed fairly suddenly and expanding, just south of Coffs Harbour at the moment.

Offline Michael Bath

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It was pretty weak Richary so didn't warrant a warning. I could see some infrequent lightning to my NW into the evening but nothing close and no rain here.

Airmass has changed this morning with a dew point of 9 at the moment.
« Last Edit: 06 March 2009, 04:51:38 AM by Jimmy Deguara »
Location: Mcleans Ridges, NSW Northern Rivers
Australian Severe Weather:
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Contact: Michael Bath

Offline Colin Maitland

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Those rain bands, that were supposed to be our storms, split either side of Brisabne, giving the South Coast and a further North some light Rain. We had a windy night and day resulting in what I believe to be a dust storm. Just around 1.00 pm I noticed the dust coming in over Strathpine and about 2.00pm over Redcliffe and Northern Suburbs.

I have taken a couple of shots of the dust, there is no smell of smoke just dust. The first photo is a fairly normal view, but you will see the dust in the following shots.


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On Saturday the 28th Feb and Sunday 1st March I went on a chase to Central Wheatbelt W.A to Northam/York/Toodyay
Here are a few of my photo's from the Storm

Offline Antonio (stormboy)

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i love the last picture storm girl it is very nice in color