Author Topic: Tornadoes Tornadoes possible this afternoon!  (Read 2466 times)

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Tornadoes Tornadoes possible this afternoon!
« on: 24 April 2010, 01:00:14 AM »
Tornadoes possible this afternoon!

Supercell thunderstorms are expected to develop along the dryline in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles this afternoon, marking what will essentially be Day 1 of a multi-day period of potentially significant severe weather in the southern Plains. Today, chasers will be targeting an area from near Dodge City, KS south to Abilene, TX. Yesterday this same area saw a surprise tornado west of Amarillo during the afternoon; those of you watching Wesley Luginbyhl's stream at that time were treated to some amazing views of this spectacular supercell! Tomorrow the target area will shift slightly east for what is expected to be a more widespread event. As mentioned in previous posts, numerous TVN live streamers will be covering the severe weather over the next few days; many of them are streaming right now, so don't forget to check out the action on the Live page!

Lastly, today marks the 3-year anniversary of the damaging Tulia, TX tornado - see the video below for more. Notice how the tornado was not easily detected until the debris was kicked up, which is a reminder that tornadoes can occur in the absence of a typical, full condensation funnel.
HIGH DEFINITION April 21, 2007 TX Panhandle Tornadoes - Torn
« Last Edit: 24 April 2010, 02:44:59 AM by Jimmy Deguara »