Author Topic: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA  (Read 12603 times)

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Offline Mike

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Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« on: 18 January 2007, 05:02:05 PM »
Something different for a topic. With all the new forum members joining everyday (moi included) i would like to get some insight from the forum gurus on the following topic.  For those of us that can only 'dream'!

 What i'd like to read is both Jimmy's and Michael Bath's MOST memorable moment in the USA.  Their first tornado or their first most violent supercell?

I'd like to read about the very first encounter they had with mother nature's most violent storms and what your thoughts were and if it affected you both in such a way that it was breathtaking or what?  I think it would be just so fascinating for those that have just joined the forum (and there is a few younger members as well as well as us) that just want to know 'what it's like to visit tornado alley'.  We've seen the photos and video, but what of the thoughts of the forum gurus?

I would especially like to read about how you got involved in storm chasing and why.  It does not have to be long, but summarised!

Photos of your very first encounter most welcome!

Darwin, Northern Territory.
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RE: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #1 on: 19 January 2007, 02:48:20 AM »
Mike - I have not been to the US chasing. Jimmy and a few others who are members of this board certainly have and may wish to comment.

Location: Mcleans Ridges, NSW Northern Rivers
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Contact: Michael Bath

Offline Jimmy Deguara

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RE: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #2 on: 19 January 2007, 04:38:07 AM »

I note that you associate Michael and myself as chasing closely in a few of your posts. Michael lives on the North Coast now and I in busy Sydney. We rarely are able to chase including that last one a few days back. Since about 2001, David came aboard and we chased the US for the first time. A lot of the chasers since then has been with David Croan

Of course that does not stop me from answering your question. Here is an account of the storm chase in Tornado Alley 2001 that met my dreams so suddenly.

I would recommend to look at:

given it is the full acount together with pictures and video of this event

Tuesday 29 May 2001 Dryline supercell outbreak produces violent White Deer tornado

After early morning severe thunderstorms, we awoke to stratocumulus cloud just visible above the thick mist. The mist and cloud broke sufficient to reveal and thunderstorm anvil. Once ready to leave we took photographs and some video of the side-shearing anvil to the northwest. For an early storm, it looked rather impressive.

There were no problems with libraries being open on this day. Our aim was to quickly observe the conditions and then possibly chase this storm to the north. Target area was basically where we were in the northern Panhandle. We decided the storm could be caught so we headed after it. Bad move. Not only did the storm beat us east, we were slowly but surely getting ourselves distracted by other storms near Kansas. It is easy to observe nice looking updraughts only to find they are too far away. Just over the border of Kansas, we stopped to observe.

It was an interesting stop as we could see the winds had changed somewhat and freshened from the southeast. Cumulus clouds were now developing to the south and southwest including some possible cumulonimbus. The distracting storms to the north had basically fired into too many thunderstorms meaning only heavy rain could be expected from them. We went to the local library. What a shock to the system: the national weather service had issued a tornado watch for our 'target' area. There was even mention of chance of F2 - F5 tornadoes! A dry line was setting up on the Texas/New Mexico border. A surface boundary flow was expected to hit the target area during the afternoon. Our job was to hunt down the location where these storms would eventually fire. Was this going to be a repeat of the southeast Oklahoma case?

We quickly took off and made the trek down through the Oklahoma Panhandle and into Texas again. We had observed the persistent region of cumulus to our south the whole way. We decided to take the route slightly to the west to make sure we did not miss any development. And then we saw it: a strong cumulonimbus developed into a supercell to our east. We were shattered as we knew we had missed the opportunity to get it - too late to turn back. We had to commit to our original target.

We headed further south after observing more towers and of course glimpses of the massive supercell to the east. Then a line of weak cumulonimbus towers came into view to the south. All storms were aligned to the northeast. My thoughts were that this was more likely to be near the area that may take off. It was further back from the other cells and we were entering a field of more moisture. It was also a region where the left exit of the jet maximum was going to pass over. My interest though focused on what could be on the other side of those cells. The thought running through my mind was that we had to be in position on the southern side of the storm. We were playing catch up yet again after having the best opportunity to be in position earlier. David and I were furious that we may have again missed such an open opportunity. There was no excuse this time.

We headed east for about 30 miles to cut across these weaker cells and then further south towards Amarillo. We drooled over the most perfect cook-screw updraught to our east indicative of the windshear environment. I liked what I saw to our west as well: a cluster of cells that were beginning to organise and seemed to maintain position. These seemed to have the potential to turn right if they became severe and nothing blocked their flow. There was a nice easterly flow into these storms and they were backed up along or near the dry line. They indicated good rear flank downdraughts and certainly were producing precipitation. Other than this, there was really nothing special about these cells. They were barely severe and certainly not photogenic.

We finally arrived in Amarillo. Damn we missed the turnoff but to me it was a relief that we had made it on the southern side of these storms. We fuelled at a service station in Amarillo in preparation for any chase that lay ahead. I got out to pay whilst David fuelled. I could hear a screeching sound and looked around to find two cars had had an accident and were entering the service station. I was asked to be a witness but I had not seen anything. (Imagine if I had and was kept back whilst a supercell took off…….hmmmm).

We headed just outside of Amarillo and stopped to observe developments including the NOAA radio reports. Well, it turned out that we were observing everything before the warnings were put out. We had earlier observed a dark base develop before a severe warning was put out for possible giant hail. That storm had taken off northeast. But it was the persisting cells to the west that demanded our interest - watching for signs of rotation. Well, finally we were rewarded with the first organised scud rising into the base a few minutes after inflow freshened from the east. Video and photographs were taken as this persisted for several minutes. We could hear the siren go off in Amarillo and then 10 minutes or so later, a tornado warning was issued for the storm. David also noticed a tornado warning was issued for another storm. This turned out to be a county to the south. A storm was also in progress south of this storm that we had been watching.

As time went on, this southern storm developed a beaver tail and David took a liking to it. We were at this stage parked on a side road. I had no idea about the inflow band until David commented on it. I suppose I was so focused on 'our' storm to the west. Then finally this storm began to reveal its structure. The transformation was unbelievable. An inflow band had begun to develop simultaneously with the development of a powerful twisting updraught. What went through my mind - this was a mirror image of the November 5th Coffs Harbour supercell. I got David's attention and he also stared with astonishment. The same thing was going through his mind. Taking a real interest in this storm we took some quick footage and photographs, and headed back onto the main road.
I have got to get another shot - I simply was in awe of the rotation and the incredible contrast of this developing beast. Another chaser vehicle stopped behind us. Well you know me, I could not let an opportunity go without talking to other chasers. So we introduced ourselves and discussed the storm situation. They were trying to pick which storm to go after. Well David and I had no doubt that this storm was the one to chase. After all, if we needed to, we were within travelling distance of the southern cell. Looking in the rear vision mirror, the other guys had decided to follow us!!

This storm was showing good inflow with now a lot of moisture condensing in the form of low cloud. This was very turbulent. We headed further northeast and could now make out the dark menacing base as well as the exploding tower. The contrast was excellent. We waited near an easterly route that could take us to White Deer.

Suddenly, scud began to rise for a second time and persisted sending a funnel. The adrenaline was rushing through my body. This storm was going through text-book phases, slowly organising itself. We knew it was a classic supercell but surely we could not be observing a cyclic supercell!! As I had expected, the storm had started the process of making a right turn and the circulation increased. We headed along the road to White Deer. "Funnel", David shouted!! A white funnel started to form very quickly and soon hit the ground. We had a tornado on the ground. Incredible!! I quickly stopped to get photographs and video but thankfully, David had got it all on film. This lasted a couple of minutes and then it roped out. Amazing!!

Rotation was still evident. We were looking around for more funnel possibilities. And then as we headed a little further north, David indicated another funnel and tornado to the north from a separate wall cloud. I grabbed the video camera and taped the last bit but I was not able to get it into view in time after stopping. David got it - great stuff.

We were parked on the entrance of a gravel road when we saw an upside-down dome shaped funnel cloud developing in a similar region where the first tornado developed. I was sure that it had the inflow to develop into another tornado. And apparently there were dust whirls. This was tornado number three.

Then bad news -inflow had turned suddenly to outflow. David and I commented at the same time about this outflow so we made our way further northeast.

Then we noticed a base where the second tornado had developed organising into a major wall cloud. When this started to visibly rotate even from our distance, we knew something better could come of it. We stopped along the side of the road and again more video and photographs. David set up tripod to film the rotation. You could hear me screaming to "..come on - let's go!!".

What happened from here on was a blur. There simply are no words to describe our feelings at this point - something I had never experienced before. This was now beyond the adrenaline stage, it was survival. There was no time to think. Almost automatically, like we had been doing it for years, we paced ourselves with the wall cloud in correct position, watching any developments making decisions like we had a job to do. We were being lured by the storm.

Moving further up the road parallel with the storm's motion, we arrived at an intersection near Panhandle, turned left and parked with a few vehicles. The wall cloud was very low to the ground and was rotating faster. It was a matter of time that something would touch down. Winds racing into a convergence of the inflow from the west increased. You could hear the whistling in the power lines as they bent in the wind. I was extremely concerned particularly if the power lines fell. So I was in the car quick smart. We decided to quickly head up the road fearing that we could get blocked off.

As soon as we turned around and made a move, David shouted "Tornado". Panic set in. Where could I park? Any roads? By the time we found a road in the small township, the tornado was not in view. Wasting no time, we quickly headed for the route back northeast.

Alas!! Finally a funnel had redeveloped. David worked in the back seat like a machine, taking photographs and switching between his and my video camera recording the moments of the funnel descending and finally - touchdown!!! An elephant trunk at first, it quickly grew into a pipe tornado. We stopped at another dirt road intersection as the elevated railway line was in the way.

 What an awesome sight, a cloud of dust was already circulating this major tornado. No time for viewing, I was out in a flash. The determined look on my face was caught on David's video camera. I was out of the vehicle but my video camera wasn't. I didn't want to stay in David's way so through trying to be quick, my video camera got caught on something. Finally free, I raced around to the other side of the car, ducking to keep out of the rain and wind being wrapped by the tornado. The setting could not be any more perfect - a nice flat plain, no trees, no obstacles. It certainly made good video footage. David even suggested he heard the roar at this stage. I must admit I was totally oblivious to this. A bit disgusted in fact.

We quickly headed back onto the road as we felt a little unsafe being on the wrong side of the railway track. Umm tornadoes and trains don't go hand in hand. Back on the road and the tornado was not showing any signs of weakening. It was in a steady state and growing larger. Now a truncated cone was forming above the pipe and slowly descending to the ground forming a wedge. The wall cloud below the updraught was rotating like nothing I had seen before - a clear hook structure. I was driving and filming whilst David snapped a few pictures and probably was lost out of reality throughout the ordeal. Perhaps being in the driving seat, I had to completely concentrate.

Now at times, videoing was becoming difficult as the rain wrapping around the tornado was coming inside the car. Unknowingly, it was spraying the windscreen on the inside. I hit the fan button to clear the windscreen for more video. Then the rain stopped and I was able to get some of the best footage of a major, brown Cone shaped tornado grinding away at the countryside. Then as I drove further towards the tornado, more rain wrapped around. The tornado was now a barrel shaped tornado. "Look at the size of it", I commented whilst filming. I simply had not seen a tornado that big before in real life. I ran out of words to describe it. It had grown into a monster sized tornado.

Then the inevitable happened: the large tornado was slowly becoming rain-wrapped. It slowly faded from view over the next few minutes as heavy rain driven by jets of up to 130km/h shook our vehicle. Chaser cars ahead of us turned their nose into the winds. I started to but losing sight of the tornado, I decided against it. We carefully advanced forward watching again for changes in velocity of the wind driven rain. But our run with the tornado was over: all we had were the memories and also the damage. Six power poles snapped in a line on one side of the road indicated where the tornado had crossed. We even had to cross over power lines with the sheriff looking on.

We made it to White Deer and passed through incredible amounts of water through town streets (lack of drainage). Then just outside of town, we stopped. The storm seemed to be getting away and it seemed to us that it had weakened. In fact, it had occluded itself in the rain-wrapping process. The tornado had apparently been on the ground for half an hour and reached an estimated ½ mile wide at the base. Four tornadoes had occurred with this storm.

We watched a small LP supercell develop under the anvil shield. It even had a small beaver tail!! This was to be the end of the day's proceedings.
So after some evening pictures of an approaching roll cloud and mammatus, we called it quits. We made it to Shamrock where we had dinner at MacDonalds. We found that chasers such as Sam Barricklow and Gene Rhoden were here as well discussing this major tornado. It was at this stage that we REALLY began to realise the significance of this event. I found myself trembling - a mixture of excitement, nerves and fear I guess.

Australian Severe Weather

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Offline Mike

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RE: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #3 on: 19 January 2007, 05:24:32 AM »
Outstanding Jimmy!  No apologies for making copy/paste so much!  I guess it's only natural for some of us who don't associate with you that we tend to think most of the more experienced chasers have been to the US, but that's why the forum is here; to find out more about the people who have the knowledge to pass on.

A great recall of events on your part.  I am certain that I will travel to tornado alley and see some of these phenomena down the track.  It's just something that really beggars belief to see such power from these storm systems - truly a life memorable event I'm sure!

I've got DVDs of that White Deer tornado - truly awesome!

Thanks for the post, Jimmy.  Well worth the read.

Mike :) 
« Last Edit: 19 January 2007, 05:51:26 AM by Mike »
Darwin, Northern Territory.
Lightning Research 2010/14


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RE: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #4 on: 26 January 2007, 02:23:37 PM »
Well given it is my first post here and given I am going over to the US for 3 months (chasing for about 6 weeks of that at this stage) in April I think this is the thread I should start off in :)

Though the 2005 season in May was a bit of a disaster tornadically, although there were a few around the place, the structure of some of them had to be seen to be believed. My personal favourite from that year was a supercell in Colorado that ended up being probably the best squall line I have ever experienced.

Andrew McDonald (macca as he is known to some in here) and I had been chasing with success, given the action that was around, for about 3 weeks and had certainly encountered several storms that had blown our mind given our Vic origins, and some of the late night MCS lightning shows were comparable with the ones here in Darwin that's for sure, but come May 24 the high plains of E Colorado put on an insane display. Link to maccas report (post is 26/5 Aust time) here ->;f=1;t=005106;p=7 and he sums it up well. Needless to say that show was probably the best of the chase although there were many days that were probably just as good but I do remember that shelf cloud the best, just incredible and being lit up constantly by lightning :) :) :)

Hoping for some more tornado action this season but even if that fails again, the storms are still incredible and something that E Aust only sees maybe 3 times a year in regards to dynamics, set up and low level jets etc. Can't wait to get back!

Chris G

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RE: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #5 on: 26 January 2007, 03:21:16 PM »
Hi Chris,

I have not seen the footage of that particular lightning event but apprently Michael Bath suggested it was quite incredible. Colorado is a quiet achiever and can turn on structure or explosive development or lightning as you suggest here.

Although I have not planned my move this year I would probably say that I will get there somehow.

Any more fabulous moments?


Jimmy Deguara
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RE: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #6 on: 26 January 2007, 03:40:22 PM »
Hey Jimmy, I take it MB saw Maccas footage at a meeting, yes it was insane, just constant flashes for a good couple of hours as it chased us and towards Garden City where we seemed to live half the time on that chase haha. Before that though it had some great wall cloud action about 6 miles to our NW but apart from that we could not understand the tornado warnings out for another area of the storm that was high based and clearly was two downdraughts hitting each other, maybe the only flaw with doppler as we saw that a few times while watching tornado warned storms. Another example is a small cell in the higher plains that was tornado warned and the base was at least 10000ft  ???

As for other memorable moments, the hail we got nailed with on May 31 around Lubbock TX I think it was along with a lot of other chasers due to a flooded road, the cone tornado (not visibly touching down but SPC recorded it as one) near Des Moines NM the day before, the Benjamin TX HP on May 12 which barraged a couple of hundred chasers with the most clear air CGs I have seen ever outside Darwin, the lightshow that night and being under a tornado watch the next day lol (the day we ran into you at the library JD) and a squall line on our last day near Denver sleet and snow with CG action and a very nice gust front stretching the whole length of the line. HAve probably missed some but they come to mind :) The Plainview day on May 11 was good as well but we were watching 4 WC's going at once instead of being in the one that produced which was probably okay given what happened to the cars that saw it suffered

I may have a date wrong by a day or two but you get the idea  :)

Chris G
« Last Edit: 26 January 2007, 05:19:01 PM by Jimmy Deguara »

Offline Andrej Matko

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RE: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #7 on: 12 February 2007, 10:00:47 PM »
The day/chase I was impressed the most, was definitely the last years chase on 5th May. It all started as we were approaching the cell, which was on the other hand approaching city of Seminole, Tx. All of a sudden hail started falling, without the rain I should add. We were all shocked when we saw this happening (we never saw hail falling without the rain; we = 3 guys from Slovenia). When we entered the city, the hail was getting bigger and bigger and thanks to Jimmy we stopped and after a few seconds quickly did a U-turn and ran away from this monster. :) At that quick stop Daniel's windshield was hit by a hail stone, which cracked it. (bad luck)

Later on this storm produced at least 2 tornadoes near Patricia, Tx. The weak one which was anticyclonic nearly ran us over, it did not last long and the stronger one which we did not see, due to rain blocking our view.

Later in the evening the video popped up on the net, which showed couple of guys caught in that hail barrage we were running away from. It totally demolished their car. Sadly I can't find it, but I found this one which shows how big the hail was, it says 4-5 inches (looks like it's from Tony Laubach :) ) -->

I can probably say my dreams were fulfilled, BUT therein lies the problem. I can't stop thinking about going there again ASAP, hehe.

Btw, amazing story Jimmy.

ps: sorry for the possible mistakes


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RE: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #8 on: 30 May 2008, 05:13:45 AM »
Wow, some amazing reading their guys. I dont really have a story of my own to tell though sorry.

ozone doug

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Re: Your most memorable moment here or in the USA
« Reply #9 on: 18 July 2008, 10:34:11 AM »
Hi All , My most memorable moment well 3 to be exact started in the seventies i was about 10 ,I was watching a storm from my bed looking out the window ,there was a big lightning strike and it struck in the back yard two houses up when the strike hit there was a green ball that to me looked about basket ball size ,it just floated and bounced a few times along the house next doors roof peak then went down and exploded with a loud band as it touched the TV antenna and the TV also blew up .and of course wasn't believed by my parents what happened .

The second was a storm late 70 early 80s i could check . Around mid day we had a heavy rain little thunder  and were playing in the water when i heard a roaring sound an looked up and saw red roofing from a Woolworth's store spiraling up into a tornado which started of as a water sprout then came ashore ,to cut a long story short it dumped the roof about 15kms away at a paper mill .It took about a dozen roofs and knocked a few houses of there foundations . 

The third is not weather related but goes to show what you think you saw isn't what you think .In the 80s in a small town Rose-vale north west of bundaberg about 10pm at night i was on a veranda and saw a bright shiny object coming towards us i called every one out about 10 people and we watched it pass over us i thought it was a plane coming down but it was the wrong shape was shiny like a light in it and had flames trailing it .The girls were scared  , As it looked so low between us boys we that it may have crashed within 5 or 10 ks so we went to have a look in case it was a plane ,of course the girls said no they thought it was a UFO ,well was at the time lol .we stopped about 10 kms and had the radio for news on and we also heard others on CB radio saying  that saw it .we returned back then heard on the ABC radio that a piece of space junk come down and crashed into the sea about 200kms of Mackay  . So there you go had a lot of us thinking what it was and how far it went ,well that my stories ,been quiet lately .But very glad to experience things that are  probably once in a life time .cheers Doug