Clouds building up here in Armidale. Very likely to get a storm or two this afternoon.
I just looked out myself, very excitedly. The do seem to be building up. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.
Here in Armidale we didn't quite have anything like what was experienced on the coast. We've had a few cells pass. One passed at 4am on Monday morning, leaving 2mm of rain at our place in the North, but mostly light and noise. Others passed a little bit earlier, but I wasn't awake

. We also had some action on Monday night. One cell left a recording of 80km/h gusts at Armidale airport. The rain was blown half-way up our front door, which is behind a roofed-porch.
There was a small storm sitting off in the distance later on that evening, just after dark. It had frequent lightning (but no thunder). I could see there was a cloud there, with the last light of the setting sun, but it just looked like a blob. When there was a flash of lightning, however, the definition in the cloud was shown up. It had a nice shape
I suppose our real excitement, though, was the hailstorm last year in December.