Author Topic: jetstreams in the northern hemisphere  (Read 2590 times)

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jetstreams in the northern hemisphere
« on: 17 August 2007, 06:16:33 AM »
Do monsoon troughs require jetstreams to be interactive with them?  If there is no typhoon acitivty does the jet have an impact on this?

The jetstream does not necessarily remain in one position i know and moves around the place, but it's not critical for any monsoonal activity per se is it?

If typhoons around the area between China and Vietnam for example is a bit lax this year and most of the activity we have seen of late has been directed towards the more easterly area up to Japan, is this simply a matter that there are more favorable conditions in that area this time around and does not mean anything significant in the western pacific region i mentioned above?

lastly....If the jet IS present and there is monsoonal activity, but there are no typhoons in the China/Vietnam area this time around this does not mean anything significant is happening per se?

It's all got to do with the favourable conditions within any given area of monsoonal flow and nothing to do whether there is a jetstream present or not?

Darwin, Northern Territory.
Lightning Research 2010/14