29th December 2008Well what an afternoon. Cells started to appear on radar from around 1pm but nothing got going locally until around 4pm.
After checking the radar I noticed some development to the SW of Casino so I decided to head out for look. Headed to a regular location about 10km south of Casino to watch the afternoon unfold. The cell that had caught my attention earlier was powering away, but new development to the west of the other cell aroused my interest. So my focus was on this new cell, initially it wasn't anything spectacular but that would soon change.
Early development of the cell that would later hit the Kyogle area.

Things really began to get organised not long after this pic was taken, with a nice guster coming into view from the SW

With a nice NE inflow into this cell it was really starting to intensify quickly

Lightning had really picked up in intensity too with many close stacatto bolts followed by canon thunder. I decided to venture another 1km or so down the road to get a closer view and this is what greeted me. Apologies for the dark spot in the corner, this was taken from inside the car as it was really quite dangerous to be standing outside

The amount of close CGs was incredible and at times quite frightening, with many dropping in front of the guster into the paddocks nearby within 500m. I decided that enough was enough and decided to hightail it out of there, but not before grabbing this

I put in a call to Michael Bath who indicated that the storm would avoid Casino and was heading north in the direction of Kyogle. I decided to make my way to Kyogle to try and get ahead of this now enormous beast. I was racing the storm with the lightning still flashing away ahead of the guster. While in transit I kept stealing glances at the incredible scene which was keeping pace with me it seemed. I stopped at a location about 5km north of Casino to try and get a pic of the beast. I couldn't believe it when I saw it, the sky had an angry turquoise look to it to I snapped off a quick pic and kept heading towards Kyogle

It soon became apparent that it was going to beat me there and around 15km south of Kyogle it hit! The rain and wind was absolutely incredible, certainly the most intense I've experienced. I pulled over onto the side of the road and waited for it to pass over me, that took a good 15mins. Having a guess I reckon the winds would easily have been in excess of 120km/hr with the rain being pulverised to mist. Visibility would have been reduced to around 40m at most. Amazingly with the amount of greenage that I saw I only experienced sporadic pea sized hail

Once it passed I decide to make my way home with the possibility of grabbing some lightning pics on the way. There was small amounts of debris and broken tree limbs about, but I reckon more substantial damage could've happened closer to Kyogle. Got some nice lightning pics from the retreating storm with rain finally forcing me back to my house

In all a pretty amazing day and definitely one of the more intense chase days I've experienced,
Hope you enjoy,
Cheers Jason