Author Topic: Tornadoes outbreak 14 - 15 April 2011 : Insane footage Oklahoma, Mississippi  (Read 8609 times)

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Tornado outbreaks possible tomorrow and Friday!

A potent, vertically-stacked storm system will drift east tomorrow (Thursday) across Kansas, inducing a 30-40+ knot low-level jet ahead of a dryline and surface low from eastern Oklahoma northward into southeast Kansas (see NAM forecast for 00z Friday at left).  With ample moisture forecast to return rapidly as the LLJ intensifies by mid afternoon, CAPE values will exceed 2500 J/kg across the warm sector with zero CIN by mid-afternoon, hence setting stage for a potentially significant tornado outbreak across this region.  Hodographs appear most favorable for strong tornadoes across northeast Oklahoma into southeast Kansas, where surface winds and the LLJ will be sufficiently backed in harmony with the upper-level flow.  The Storm Prediction Center has issued a moderate risk with 15% hatch area for tornadoes for Southeast Kansas and all of eastern Oklahoma, where reports of severe straightline winds and very large hail are also expected to be numerous.  TVN is planning on departing for an initial target of Ponca City by late morning, just in case the weak cap leads to an early surprise, and will track any tornadic supercells northeastward toward southeast KS.  Be sure to check out for live streaming video beginning by mid-afternoon!  Immediately this chase, TVN will be surging east to cover the Day 2 moderate risk just east of the lower MS River Valley, so stay tuned for additional updates as more forecast model runs become available.  The 2011 season has started off with a bang!!!
« Last Edit: 16 April 2011, 02:03:25 AM by Michael Bath »


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INSANE video from Oklahoma.. .  Another Tornado Outbreak Today

Massive multi-vortex wedge from southern Oklahoma - April 14, 2011

At least 10 tornadoes were reported yesterday across Kansas and Oklahoma, including one particularly strong wedge tornado from a supercell that moved through Atoka County in extreme southern Oklahoma just north of the Red River.  Sadly, at least two fatalities resulted from this violent tornado from the communities of Atoka and Tushka, OK, which sustained the worst damage.  Several storm chasers were some of the first on the scene of the damage, and helped out substantially with the recovery effort.  Here is video of that tornado from Gabe Garfield and Marc Austin:

On the flip-side, we were chasing a supercell further north in Central Oklahoma, where the deeper moisture did not materialize, and witnessed thiis much weaker and harmless rope tornado just northeast of Chandler, OK.

Today in the Lower Mississippi River Valley, I would not be surprised to see 5 times the number of yesterday's tornadoes, especially across central and southern MS into AL where the strongest low-level wind shear and instability will coincide.  Forecast hodographs look extremely favorable for strong tornadoes ahead of the advancing front, with over 30 knots of 0-1 km wind shear creating insane helicity values.  The SPC currently has a moderate risk out for the aforementioned area, but an upgrade to high risk in the next outlook would not be out of the question, especially given the recent RUC model forecasts.  TVN is just now completing the all-night drive from Oklahoma to central/southern MS, and will be streaming live video of this chase at, and Tweeting throughout the chase (@reedtimmertvn).  Stay tuned for updates.
« Last Edit: 17 April 2011, 03:41:29 AM by Michael Bath »


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INSANE tornado video from Jackson, MS!

Here is the video of the violent tornado we observed moving into the west side of Jackson during late morning today.  Time to dive south after more tornadic supercells.  BAD situation in Jackson.  Major damage.

Destructive Jackson, MS Tornado!
« Last Edit: 17 April 2011, 03:37:41 AM by Michael Bath »

Offline nmoir

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some amazing footage of peoiple crouching in a carpark during April 14 tornado in Tushka OK - Hanging On For Life (Tushka Tornado)
Nick Moir
The Sydney Morning Herald

Offline Colin Maitland

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That is mind blowing, I watched it a few times and could not believe how close they were to being squashed by the 4X4 around the one minute mark, I would love to know what stop it from hitting them. Very fortunate family.