We left Amarillo and checked data at Lamar. We met up with Sam and Al north of Lamar ona side road and got to the storm as it approached Limon. It was already in a HP state there though we did get a look at the rotating base. The storm became outflow dominant so we headed for the small cells near Colorado Springs in case an LP spun up. We got drfits of small hail due to high elevation and slow moving cell. It was quite pretty to have hail and reflection of lightning. I did not know that the terrain there got as high as 2300 metres which is higher than Australia's highest mountain.
Supercell near Limon

East of Limon

Hail had covered the road from the supercell earlier near Limon which was cleared prior to our westward progress:

Some cells that went severe later in the day near Colroado Springs:

These are the cells that became almost stationary and dumped copious amounts of hail in short periods in very high elevation.
Jimmy Deguara