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[Index][Rainfall records]
Melbourne Rainfall Records

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Month Highest Daily Highest Monthly Lowest Monthly Highest Season Lowest Season
January 108.0 on 29/01/1963 176.0 in 1963 0.3 in 1932 Summer Summer
February 87.4 on 26/02/1946 238.2 in 1972 0.5 in 1965 361.4 in 1903/04 46.4 in 1943/44
March 90.2 on 05/03/1919 190.7 in 1911 3.7 in 1934

April 80.0 on 23/04/1960 195.0 in 1960 0.0 in 1923 Autumn Autumn
May 51.2 on 15/05/1974 142.5 in 1942 3.8 in 1934 324.3 in 1900 58.4 in 1923
June 44.2 on 22/06/1904 116.8 in 1991 8.0 in 1858

July 74.4 on 12/07/1891 178.4 in 1891 9.4 in 1979 Winter Winter
August 54.4 on 17/08/1881 110.8 in 1939 12.4 in 1903 285.6 in 1952 71.8 in 1982
September 58.7 on 23/09/1916 201.6 in 1916 13.4 in 1907

October 61.0 on 21/10/1953 193.3 in 1869 7.5 in 1914 Spring Spring
November 72.6 on 21/11/1954 206.1 in 1954 6.5 in 1895 450.6 in 1916 67.6 in 1967
December 99.6 on 04/12/1954 197.4 in 1993 1.7 in 1972

Year 108.0 on 29/01/1963 967.5 in 1916 332.3 in 1967

Rainfall is in millimetres.

Quality controlled site data: 086071 Melbourne Regional Office (April 1855 to May 1998)
Daily rainfall data obtained from Bureau of Meteorology. Statistics calculated by Michael Bath.

Document: melbourn.htm
Updated: 2nd November, 2002
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