Author Topic: Flood waters turning to ice in Logan County  (Read 2957 times)

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Offline Harley Pearman

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Flood waters turning to ice in Logan County
« on: 10 February 2008, 08:26:27 AM »
Flood waters turning to ice in Logan County

From - Friday 8 February 2008

This is one type of flood I have never heard happening in a town before.

First came the rain, then the snow, then the flood and a cold snap that followed in a town on Indian Lake SW Ohio, USA. The cold snap is causing the flood waters to turn to solid ice through town.

The images attached to this story show houses and buildings in town on Indian Lake flooded but it is so cold that the flood waters through town were clearly turning to solid ice or had turned to solid ice.

This is a something from the recent movie "The day after tomorrow".

Pictures including the slideshow of the flood turning to ice through town at Indian Lake can be viewed at:- (USA News section). It will probably be moved to the weather section in time or

Harley Pearman