Author Topic: The 17th Korean Air photo travel Contest  (Read 4749 times)

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Cho Sanghee

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The 17th Korean Air photo travel Contest
« on: 04 August 2010, 09:09:36 AM »
“Memorable Travel Moment”
(Any entry which has been submitted into previous competitions, whether domestic or overseas
 will be disqualified.)
Anyone who likes travel and photography 
 Application Period
Jul 23(Fri)~ Sep 6(Mon),2010
■ Photo Size
 -Film Camera Photo : Black and White or Color printed photo, <11 X 14> inch
 -Digital Camera Photo : Any, 
※ a. not digitally enhanced or manipulated
    b. winners must send the original image (must be over 3,000 pixels)
■ Contest Submission
  ① Visit to  to download the application form.
      After completing the form, please save it and send as an attachment.

    * Submission is available via mail or in person (For digital camera photos, submission is available 
     only via online.
Reception Office Address : HS Ad & Korean Air Travel Photo Contest Office, 12F LG Mapo Bldg., Gongduk-2dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea (Zip code : 121-721) 
■ Maximum Number of Submission : Five per entrant (for both film and digital photos)
■ Inquiries : 
 Results Announcement/Awards
■ Announcement : Oct 5(Tue), the winner will be announced via Hankook Ilbo Newspaper, posted on
the online contest gallery website, and also notified individually by e-mail
※ Announcement date can be changed due to schedules
■ Awards Ceremony : Nov 4(Thu) 11:00 AM. ilwoo space, Korean Air Building, Seosomun, Seoul
■ Prizes (Combined judging for film and digital entries)
Grand Prix Prize (1) : A trophy and two prestige class round trip tickets to any Korean Air destination
                                    + two domestic economy class round trip tickets-
Gold Prize(1)  : A trophy and two prestige class round trip tickets to any Korean Air destination
Silver Prize(2) : A trophy and two economy class round trip tickets to any Korean Air destination
Bronze Prize(6) : A trophy and two economy class round trip tickets to Japan/China/Southeast Asia Korean Air flies
Meritorious Prize (50): A trophy and two domestic(Korea) economy class round trip tickets 
Meritorious Prize (50): A trophy and two domestic(Korea) economy class round trip tickets 
Kidz Pix Prize(3) :  A  testimonial and Cannon Digital Camera (IXUS200IS) and Aircraft model
※However, The prize for the domestic flight is based on Korea inbound ,
Therefore, winners who lives outbound of korea offers a separate product.
※ The grand prix, gold, silver, and bronze prize winners will attend the Awards Ceremony to receive their awards. If the winners cannot attend the ceremony, their family members with entrusted certificate may attend instead. 
 Exhibition / Period
■ Seoul -Ilwoo Space (11.04 ~ 11.10)
■ Daejeon-Galleria Department Store (11.19 ~ 11.24) 
■ Gwangju- Metro Gallery (11.26 ~ 12.01)
■ Busan – Yongdusan Arts Gallery (12.09 ~ 12.14)
■ Daegu –Debec Gaellery  (12.22 ~ 12.27)
1) All copyrights of winning photos will belong to Korean Air.
2) Awards will be cancelled for any entry which is imitated, composed, counterfeited, retouched, or have been awarded at any other competition.
3) The winning entrants should submit the original film (for film photo) and the original downloaded file (for digital photo) within the requested time period.
"4) All submitted entries will not be returned.
5) The supplementary prizes (tickets) are non-transferable except for direct family members."
※ Please visit the website for more information
Inquiries [email protected]
Inquiries [email protected]
Hosted by Korean Air 
Sponsored by Hankook Ilbo and Canon 
Organized by HS Ad.