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Win a discount off a $1000 Storm Chasing Trip | Thunderbolt Tours Competition


Jimmy Deguara:
Win a discount of 10% off a Storm Chasing Trip in the Thunderbolt Tours Competition. Yes find the solution below and you win 10% off your $1000 day trip on storm chasing trip. Win twice in another competition and that's 20% off! Well - you get the drift!

Thunderbolt Tours Competition

It's Simple! Visit the  Thunderbolt Tour website for more details.

Jimmy Deguara:
Competition has been updated since a solution was e-mailed to me.

The winner Brendon from Western Sydney won a $100 discount off the next trip.


Jimmy Deguara

Jimmy Deguara:
The $1000 Storm Chasing Trip Discount Thunderbolt Tours Competition is more exciting than ever!

Check out the latest - it's easier to play!



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